Thursday, October 4, 2012

Letter Fourteen

Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year. I can not get enough of scarves, leaves, tea, jackets, boots, many delightful things. I find that I feel closest to God when I am outside in nature, surrounded by His beautiful creation. This is the time of year when I find being outside the most enjoyable and the most possible. I feel so blessed to be able to enjoy this weather to its fullest. Have a great autumn everyone! 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Letter Thirteen

I'm heavy handed
To say the least
My mother thinks
I'll be an awful clutcher
'Cause I spill things from stirring 'em too quickly
I'm far too loud
It's like, as soon as I've got an opinion,
It just has to come out
I laugh at stupid things
Just 'cause they tickle me

Sometimes I wish
Sometimes I wish I was like Mariella
She got some prittstick
And she glued her lips together
So she never had to speak
Never had to speak
Never had to speak
People used to say she's as quiet as a mouse
She just doesn't make a peep

She marched to her wardrobe
And threw away the colour
Because wearing black looks mysterious
But it didn't impress her mother
She wanted to dress her baby
In patterns and flowers
But Mariella just crossed her arms
And so she cried for hours

Mariella, Mariella
My pretty baby girl
Unglue your lips from being together and
And wear some pink and pearls
You can have your friends 'round
And they can stay for tea
Won't you just try to fit in please
Do this for me

But Mariella just crossed her arms
As she walked up the stairs
And she went into her bedroom
And she sat on her bed
And she looked in the mirror
And she thought to herself
"If I wanna play, I can play with me
If I wanna think, I'll think in my head"

At school, Mariella didn't have many friends
Yeah the girls they all looked at her
And they thought she was quite strange
And the boys they're not really into girls at that age
And the teachers, they thought Mariella was just going through a phase.
But Mariella just smiled as she skipped down the road
Because she knew all the secrets in her world
Yes, she always got the crossword puzzle right everyday
And she could do the alphabet backwards
Without making any mistakes

Mariella, Mariella
Pretty, pretty girl
Mariella, Mariella
Happy in her own little world
Happy in her own little world

And she said
Yeah I'm never ever ever ever ever ever
Ever ever ever ever ever ever ever
Yeah I'm never ever ever ever ever ever
Ever ever ever ever ever ever ever
Yeah I'm never ever ever ever ever ever
Ever ever ever ever ever ever ever
Gonna unglue my lips from being together
She said I'm never ever ever ever ever ever
Ever ever ever ever ever ever ever
Yeah I'm never ever ever ever ever ever
Ever ever ever ever ever ever ever
Ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever
Gonna unglue my lips from being together

Monday, March 5, 2012

Letter Ten

Mmm grapefruit is such a unique creature in the vast world of fruit. When I consume grapefruit, I spend most of the time wishing it were sweeter, and yet I find that the discomfort I feel whilst drinking its sour fruit juice is quite refreshing. Sometimes I put honey or sugar on top of my grapefruit to make the experience more enjoyable, but honestly I somehow love the tart flavor of grapefruit more than most fruits. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Letter Nine

Spring Break has finally arrived. Time for bathes, alcohol, and sweets. RELAXATION. Candles, LUSH, yoga...all I need now is a cat to hang out with and some Benedryl to make it more enjoyable. Meow Meow.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Letter Eight

Okay kids...this isn't my usual way of doing things...but maybe that's why I keep gaining weight. I need some accountability, even if it's all in my head, at least I know I have shared my plan with the outside world. It might help me to take my health a little more seriously. My goal is to lose 30 pounds of fat. I always have ridiculous amounts of energy and I used to be very active. My diet has actually improved a lot since high school...but metabolism has prevented that from effecting my body positively. I have decided to go pescetarian for awhile. This is not a lifetime commitment, but perhaps for the spring and summer and see how I feel about it. I gave up meat for Lent last year, and I kind of loved it. I am also not going to eat any bread. I gave up bread a few months ago for health reasons and found that I lost weight rapidly. Bread is my homeboy, so this should be interesting. Also, for the sake of my sensitive skin and just my health in general, I am sticking with no caffeine, unless it's tea. I can handle black and green teas, but I need to lay off espresso and coffee for awhile. Employment at Starbucks with meat, bread, and coffee should make this quite a challenge. Oh, and I of course plan on working out. At least a half hour a day. That is the plan. And I wanted to share it with everyone so that maybe I will take it seriously this time. Wish me luck. I wanna rock out a killer bathing suit this year. ;) 

Letter Seven

I just can't stop thinking about raspberries today. I want a whole handful, preferably dipped in dark chocolate, that I can just pop into my mouth like little pieces of candy. Mmm hmm. Tart, juicy morsels from Heaven...or just a market...all the same, nommy nommy. That's all for today. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Letter Five

If the businessmen drink my blood
Like the kids in art school said they would
Then I guess I'll just begin again
You say, "Can we still be friends?"

If I was scared...I would
And if I was know I would
And if I was yours...but I'm not

All the kids have always known
That the emperor wears no clothes
But they bow to down to him anyway
It's better than being alone

If I was scared...I would
And if I was know I would
And if I was yours...but I'm not

Now you're knocking at my door
Saying please come out with us tonight
But I would rather be alone
Than pretend I feel alright

If the businessmen drink my blood
Like the kids in art school said they would
Then I guess I'll just begin again
You say, "Can we still be friends?"

If I was scared...I would
And if I was know I would
And if I was yours...but I'm not

Now I'm ready to start

If I was scared...I would
And if I was know I would
And if I was yours...but I'm not

Now I'm ready to start

Now I'm ready to start
I would rather be wrong
Than live in the shadows of your song
My mind is open wide
And now I'm ready to start

Now I'm ready to start
My mind is open wide
And now I'm ready to start
And I'm sure you opened the door
To step out into the dark

Now I'm ready

Friday, February 3, 2012

Letter Four

Tonight I will dance at the masquerade
A drink, so I am up to the task
These games that we play; our own charade
Whilst hiding behind our masks
I tire of lies, I hate this disguise
But my mask is now part of my skin
No part is my own, except for my eyes
Always searching the room for more sin.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Letter Three

I have found that sometimes the simplest words can unearth even the tiniest amount of joy hidden within the darkness of a bad day. This little piece of foil, wrapped around a chocolatey morsel, did that for me this evening. Anyone who has been lucky enough to have witnessed the epic tale of Julie Johnson yearning to be a ginger, can understand why this happy, little token has become a precious gem in the metaphorical treasure box of my week. 

Songs of Solomon...I just read it. Perfect for today. Lots of giggling and swooning for this lady.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Letter Two

Today's revelation was that of yesterday's as well, and it is simply that life is HARD...Ponder: Why do I pull in two directions at once?? It hurts.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Letter One

I have never been one to commit to keeping diaries, and journals, or other such things to store my thoughts away in. Despite the fact that I sound best in writing, I find it to be quite a challenge to express myself so bluntly as people do in blogs. I usually depend on poems and lyrics and quotes to find a voice for me. Whilst juggling the concept of storing my thoughts and feelings in a metaphorical trunk and giving the key to everyone, I stopped my perusing to investigate the meaning of the word, "blog". This is what I found: "a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer." This sounds simple. To acquiesce this idea will be a great challenge for me and hopefully an insight for my readers. I do love a grand adventure. I am tempted to digress into an official blog about my feelings and thoughts for the day, alas, my eyelids are too heavy to keep open for much longer.