Thursday, February 16, 2012

Letter Eight

Okay kids...this isn't my usual way of doing things...but maybe that's why I keep gaining weight. I need some accountability, even if it's all in my head, at least I know I have shared my plan with the outside world. It might help me to take my health a little more seriously. My goal is to lose 30 pounds of fat. I always have ridiculous amounts of energy and I used to be very active. My diet has actually improved a lot since high school...but metabolism has prevented that from effecting my body positively. I have decided to go pescetarian for awhile. This is not a lifetime commitment, but perhaps for the spring and summer and see how I feel about it. I gave up meat for Lent last year, and I kind of loved it. I am also not going to eat any bread. I gave up bread a few months ago for health reasons and found that I lost weight rapidly. Bread is my homeboy, so this should be interesting. Also, for the sake of my sensitive skin and just my health in general, I am sticking with no caffeine, unless it's tea. I can handle black and green teas, but I need to lay off espresso and coffee for awhile. Employment at Starbucks with meat, bread, and coffee should make this quite a challenge. Oh, and I of course plan on working out. At least a half hour a day. That is the plan. And I wanted to share it with everyone so that maybe I will take it seriously this time. Wish me luck. I wanna rock out a killer bathing suit this year. ;) 

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